2023-01-24 14:25:32 星岛环球网


NewYearinLingnan The century-old street is full of new vitality, and traditional dishes available here, including Dahao hand-made fish balls and Chaoshan traditional sweet soup, are satisfying the test buds of epicures.

The recent opening of Zhenbang Food Street attracts tourists from inside and outside the province during the Spring Festival holiday, contributing to a brisk business for shoppers and restaurants.

Shantou is an important gateway of the Maritime Silk Road. It is a sub-central city of the province and one of the famous hometowns of overseas Chinese people. The city is known as the "Hometown of Delicious Food" and "Island of Delicious Food". Chaoshan cuisine has a long history and is well known at home and abroad for its "excellent color, aroma, taste, and style".

During the Spring Festival, with people returning home, Shantou warmly welcomes villagers and tourists from all over the world.


“老城记忆 舌尖汕头”镇邦美食街近日火热开街,连日来,省内外游客趁着春节假期纷纷前来打卡,美食街人流量、营业额均快速增长。

汕头作为我国海上丝绸之路的重要门户、省域副中心城市和著名侨乡之一,素有 “美食之乡”“美食孤岛”美誉。而潮汕菜历史悠久,以“色、香、味、型俱佳”饮誉中外,“细腻巧味、齿颊留香”,备受赞赏,是享誉海内外的一张名片。




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