hello especially歌词_hello seattle这首歌 歌词中文谐音 谢谢
2023-07-28 22:05:39 十分生活网

1、Hello Seattle


2、Owl City

3、Hello Seattle, I am a mountaineer

4、In the hills and highlands

5、I fall asleep in hospital parking lots

6、And awake in your house

7、Hello Seattle, I am a manteray

8、Deep beneathe the blue waves

9、I"ll crawl the sandy bottom of Puget Sound

10、And construct a summer home

11、Hello Seattle, I am the cresant moon

12、Shining down on your face

13、I will disguise myself as a sleeping pill

14、And descend inside of you

15、Hello Seattle, I am a cold seahorse

16、Feeling warm in your sand

17、I sing about the tide and the ocean surf

18、Rolling in the evening breeze

19、Hello Seattle, I am an albatross

20、On the docks and your boats

21、I sail above your inlets and interstates

22、Through the rain and open wind

23、Hello Seattle, I am an old lighthouse

24、Throwing beams of bright lights

25、Red in the morning, blue in the evening sun

26、Taken heed from everyone

27、Hello Seattle, I am a mountaineer

28、In the hills and highlands

29、I fall asleep in hospital parking lots

30、Take me above your light

31、Carry me through the night

32、Hold me secure in flight

33、Sing me to sleep tonight

34、Take me above your light

35、Carry me through the night

36、Hold me secure in flight

37、Sing me to sleep tonight




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